Extended Shortcode - Mermaid
The mermaid
shortcode supports diagrams in Hugo with Mermaid library.
Mermaid is a library helping you to generate diagram and flowcharts from text, in a similar manner as Markdown.
Just insert your mermaid code in the mermaid
shortcode and that’s it.
Example flowchart mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
graph LR; A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge) B --> C{Decision} C -->|One| D[Result one] C -->|Two| E[Result two]graph LR; A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge) B --> C{Decision} C -->|One| D[Result one] C -->|Two| E[Result two]
Sequence Diagram
Example sequence diagram mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughtssequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail... John-->Alice: Great! John->Bob: How about you? Bob-->John: Jolly good!
prevail... John-->Alice: Great! John->Bob: How about you? Bob-->John: Jolly good!
Class Diagram
Example class diagram mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
classDiagram Animal <|-- Duck Animal <|-- Fish Animal <|-- Zebra Animal : +int age Animal : +String gender Animal: +isMammal() Animal: +mate() class Duck{ +String beakColor +swim() +quack() } class Fish{ -int sizeInFeet -canEat() } class Zebra{ +bool is_wild +run() }classDiagram Animal <|-- Duck Animal <|-- Fish Animal <|-- Zebra Animal : +int age Animal : +String gender Animal: +isMammal() Animal: +mate() class Duck{ +String beakColor +swim() +quack() } class Fish{ -int sizeInFeet -canEat() } class Zebra{ +bool is_wild +run() }
State Diagram
Example state diagram mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving Moving --> Still Moving --> Crash Crash --> [*]stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving Moving --> Still Moving --> Crash Crash --> [*]
Entity Relationship Diagram
Example entity-relationship diagram mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : useserDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses
User Journey
Example user journey mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
journey title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 5: Mejourney title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 5: Me
Example Gantt mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid excludes weekdays 2014-01-10 section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5dgantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid excludes weekdays 2014-01-10 section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
Pie Chart
Example pie chart mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
pie "Dogs" : 386 "Cats" : 85 "Rats" : 15pie "Dogs" : 386 "Cats" : 85 "Rats" : 15
Requirement Diagram
Example requirement diagram mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
requirementDiagram requirement test_req { id: 1 text: the test text. risk: high verifymethod: test } element test_entity { type: simulation } test_entity - satisfies -> test_reqrequirementDiagram requirement test_req { id: 1 text: the test text. risk: high verifymethod: test } element test_entity { type: simulation } test_entity - satisfies -> test_req
Git Graph
Example git graph mermaid
The rendered output looks like this:
gitGraph commit commit branch develop checkout develop commit commit checkout main merge develop commit commitgitGraph commit commit branch develop checkout develop commit commit checkout main merge develop commit commit
C4 Diagrams ⚠️
C4 Diagram: This is an experimental diagram for now. The syntax and properties can change in future releases. Proper documentation will be provided when the syntax is stable.
Mermaid’s c4 diagram syntax is compatible with plantUML. See example below:
C4Context title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "BankBoundary0") { Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B") Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C", "desc") Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank,C4Context title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "BankBoundary0") { Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B") Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C", "desc") Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank,
with personal bank accounts.") System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.") Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") { SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.") System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") { System(SystemA, "Banking System A") System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.") } System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.") SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") { SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank.") SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") } } } BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses") BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses") Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP") Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to") UpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor="red", $bgColor="grey", $borderColor="red") UpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetX="5") UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-10") UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="-50") UpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $offsetX="-50", $offsetY="20") UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
with personal bank accounts.") System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.") Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") { SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.") System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") { System(SystemA, "Banking System A") System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.") } System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.") SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") { SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank.") SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") } } } BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses") BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses") Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP") Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to") UpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor="red", $bgColor="grey", $borderColor="red") UpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetX="5") UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-10") UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="-50") UpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $offsetX="-50", $offsetY="20") UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
Mindmap ⚠️
- Bump Mermaid from 9.x to 10.x
Timeline Diagram ⚠️
- Bump Mermaid from 9.x to 10.x
Mermaid Themes
Available themes are as follows:
- default - This is the default theme for all diagrams.
- neutral - This theme is great for black and white documents that will be printed.
- dark - This theme goes well with dark-colored elements or dark-mode.
- forest - This theme contains shades of green.
- base - This is the only theme that can be modified. Use this theme as the base for customizations.
Head to the Theme Configuration | Mermaid page to learn more about dynamic and integrated theme configuration.
Site-Wide Themes
You can configure mermaid themes globally in hugo.toml
via the params.mermaid
Diagram-Specific Themes
To customize the theme of an individual diagram, use the init
Example of init
directive setting the theme
to forest
%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%% graph TD a --> b%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%% graph TD a --> b
Related Content
- Extended Shortcodes Overview
- Built-in Shortcodes
- Shortcodes Test
- Extended Markdown Syntax
- Font Awesome Test